Ice skating

Ice skating my first time ice skating it was really  fun to go skating  at our school we went to ice skating  for 45 mins  and me and my friends put on our ice skating shoes and I put on my hillmit  and glaves and me and friends played on the skating ring and then we went to our class the end.

What did you think about ice skating?

Castles game

Castle Explanation
My class learnt a new game called castle
Jen from sport wanganui has made us play a new game called castle and she come to rutherford
To help us learn a new game and we learn the
Game 4 week ago
And I had a fun week playing  the game with my friends.
How play the game castle first you get a group of people and then you split the team  into two group and then give the groups some strap of different colour like red and blue and then set the game up with cons and two balls to put on both side of the teams then count down and then your teams can play the rules so the rules where you have to pass the ball three times before shooting in the gaols  and then your team got a point and then she will take to the teams that you can change the rules and you will have so much fun with her after the game you make you clan up and  pick up the cons and put the cons and the bans and the gaols where to be positively and include shera the ball to your team the game was so fun i think the game was a good game and  show  positive in the game and have fun playing the game and the learn sew nice and she help the ones  that didn’t on how to play the game
And the game saw so fun
The End.


My number monster

It has a head with sides showing my immediate family  it has the same amount of eyes as my age  the teeth show how many people life in my house the colour is my birthday month the date of my birthday is how many arms and legs it has.


my first day at rutherfor school first we went to the class was room 4 and my techer was mrs aboslum  but she had to check on her son but we had a difernt techer and her name was mrs becks and we played a game so we you had to say your name and a couler  and my techer come back and it was luch time me and my frindes played vollyball in the gym and we did work and then went home on monday  we palyed some more games we palyed bechball and vollyball football and on wenday we had houescomps and my colouer was the colouer yolewr and we played games we played a cup game bechball a letter game the games were good.



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